Weekly Dev Log #4

What I've Been Doing:


- Most of the week has been dedicated to the intro cutscene, which I almost got done. The plan is to finish it up during the first couple days of next week.

- Added a difficulty scaling system that allows you to replay through the game after beating it with all their items while still having monsters be a challenge.

- Added unlocking system that unlocks a number of items / other things after you beat the game.

- Starting adding more items that will have to be unlocked (the game will have 25 base items, and 25 locked items. Right now, you get 5 random items unlocked after completing the game once, meaning that you will unlock everything after beating the game 5 times.)

- Added 14 new locked items.

What's Next:

Next week is going to be dedicated towards adding a second playable character. This new character will be unlocked after beating the game once, and will play differently from the first character. Next week is going to be mostly me animating this new character, adding a character selection screen, and adding the character functionality to the game. I also plan to keep adding items, and hopefully get them all in by the end of next week.

Release Plans:

The game is almost ready for release, and I'm hoping I can finish it in the month or so. The main things that I still need to add to the game is the second playable character (from above), a third boss, and an end game cutscene. On top of this, I need to playtest a bunch and fix/balance/tweak things. Hopefully I can get these done and implemented within a couple of months.

If you have any cool ideas for items/decorations/game mechanics/bosses/anything, leave a comment!

Note: these changes are not in the downloadable game. That game is purely a demo and will not be updated until the release of the game.

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