Weekly Dev Log #3

What I've Been Doing:


Final Boss is finished and in the game. This took up most of the time for this week due to the final boss having some unique gameplay mechanics that aren't seen anywhere else in the game (including its own, custom scene).

- Added unique music for the final boss sequence.

- The player can now continue their run after beating the game. This means that they keep their items but start the game again from the start. The game will scale up the difficulty to account for the player's head start, and the player could also unlock new items / decorations / bosses / new playable characters? (these unlocks will be added later).

- Added 2 more items (game now has 25 total items).

- Added more sounds to the game, including zombie moan sounds, a talking sound for the creature, and an explosion sound (as well as others).

- Added 2 more creature events. One has the creature increases the size of the windows, which increase the size, health, and speed of any monster that gets spawned from it, and the other has the creature move one of the walls inward, shrinking the size of the room and making monsters spawn closer to the player.

- Added more content to the tutorial to teach the player where the item dictionary is, the difference between dropping and throwing, and the refund option for items.

- Added a text fill animation for dialog that has the text be typed out instead of having the entire dialog already shown.

What's Next

The next thing I want to work on is finishing both the intro and outro cutscenes and adding them to the game. This will finish up the story and get the game ready for release. On top of this, I want to start adding more content to the game. Right now, the 25 items that are in the game will be unlocked at the start of a new run, and I want some items that are unlocked after the player completes the game, giving the player to play the game more than once. It would be nice to have 25 more items to be unlocked, giving the game a total of 50 items (which is a nice number).

If you have any cool ideas for items/decorations/game mechanics/bosses/anything, leave a comment!

Note: these changes are not in the downloadable game. That game is purely a demo and will not be updated until the next large update (and it may have a price tag added to it at that point, idk)

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